Registry Hack to Disable MRU Lists (Microsoft Windows)

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WARNING: Windows and many [gs software] programs keep track of your recent activities in very revealing logs called MRU (most recently used) lists, which even include shortcuts to recently viewed or edited files, mainly to make your work experience quicker and more convenient.

  • At Start > Run, enter regedit and click OK.
  • Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Comdlg32
  • Create a subkey and name it NoFileMru, of type REG_DWORD, if it isn't listed.
  • Set the DWORD value to 1.
  • Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
  • Create a subkey and name it NoRecentDocsMenu, of type REG_DWORD, if it isn't listed.
  • Set the DWORD value to 1. (You can set it instead to clear the Recent Documents folder at shutdown if you wish (ClearRecentDocsOnExit), but it won't be secure.)
  • Close the editor.

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