Show the at symbol on mobile device on screen keyboard

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If you've used a mobile device (e.g. iPhone, iPad, Android phone or [gs tablet]) to fill out web [gs form]s you'll often find the @ symbol is present on the on-screen keyboard in email fields sometimes, but not always.


Use type="email" instead of type="text" in the input field and it should show the at symbol on the on-screen [gs keyboard].

Input type="email"

Normally text input fields look something like this:

input type="text" ... 

To make the field an email input field so that it has the at symbol on mobile [gs device]s on-screen keyboards, do this:

input type="email" ...

Other differences with a regular text input

Depending on the browser and version you are using, there will also be [gs client]-sided validation of the email input to ensure it matches the following regular expression:


If the field is not required it can be submitted blank; if it's required or some text is entered into the input, the validation is done and the form won't be submitted unless the address is valid.

Web browsers that don't support type="email" will simply render the input as a normal text input.

Example screenshots from an iPhone

The following [gs screenshot]s are from an iPhone using the iOS simulator. The input field in the phone on the left has <input type="text"> and the one on the right <input type="email">. As you can see, the on screen keyboard on the left has no @ symbol whereas the one on the right does.

Browser compatibility

As mentioned above, if the browser doesn't support type="email" it will treat the input as if it were type="text".

From my testing with the iOS Simulator, versions 4.3.2 and 5.1 will show the @ symbol when it's an email input, but don't do the regular expression validation. I haven't tested other versions.

When using either the LG keyboard or the Android one, it didn't show the @ symbol and in neither case did the validation.

If anyone knows of a compatibility table for this input type, please let us know and we can link to it from here.

Further reading

The input type=email page on the W3C website has a list of all the available properties for this element and a brief description of each.