SSD Caching

SSD caching, as usually even other forms of caching, is a computing technology that stores frequently used data to fast cache. This boosts IOPS performance and reduces latency, significantly shortening load times and execution. Caching works on both reads and writes, and particularly benefits read-intensive applications. Caching approach is not new to hard drives, and computing in general. Operating systems like Windows and Linux come with native caching software. Read More …

What are Data URLs?

A Data URL is a URI scheme that provides a way to inline data in a document, and it’s commonly used to embed images in HTML and CSS. Data URLs are a form of Uniform Resource Locators, although they do not in fact remotely locate anything. Instead, the resource data is contained within the URL string itself as a base64-encoded string. This saves the browser from having to make additional HTTP requests for the external resources, and can thus increase page loading speed. Read More …

Attivazione Browser Caching (Apache – Nginx – IIS)

Per chiunque sviluppi un sito web o blog, le prestazioni e la velocità di risposta del sito risulta essere un aspetto rilevante, che potrebbe affliggere, negativamente in caso di tempi di risposta elevati (pochi secondi) sull’esperienza dell’utente che vuole usufruire dell’informazione che gli state proponendo ed anche sul posizionamento (SEO) dello stesso sui motori di ricerca. Read More …