FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

What's HeelpBook?

What's the Bookmark function on HeelpBook?

How can I add articles on my bookmark page?

Why I can't see downloads?

How can I go on source of the article?

What are permalinks?

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What's HeelpBook

HeelpBook is a site that collect and integrates notions, tricks and solutions found on web from multiple sources. These solutions are provided as verified solutions and every one of them is checked before the publication on this site. Every article has a reference (LINK) on the source of the article.

HeelpBook aims to be a good place in which searching for solutions and (it's in progress) tracking your reading experience (how many books, which books, how many pages, you've read until now).

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What is the Bookmark function on HeelpBook?

The Bookmark function is available on every article, only if logged in HeelpBook, and it is the following:

The Bookmark funtion

The Bookmark funtion

This function will let you to manage your favourite articles, adding and removing them from the main page of HeelpBook; if you add an article as bookmark every time you return on HeelpBook you'll see your bookmarks on the HeelpBook homepage, so they'll be shown immediately.

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How can I add articles on my bookmark page?

You can add articles to your bookmark list by clicking one time on the "Add to your bookmarks" link on every visited article (only for logged in users).

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Why I can't see downloads?

Every how-to article has from 2 up to 6 download type format, such as Docx, PDF, ePub, XML, PPTX , XPS or TXT or even software downloads.

You'll be able to see these downloads only if you're registered and logged in HeelpBook.

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How can I go on source of the article?

To go on the source of the original article you'll have only to go at the end of the article and click on the Source button. You can even scan the relative QR code of the source link (on the left).

The Source link button

The Source link button

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What are permalinks?

Permalinks are the permanent URLs to your individual articles, as well as categories and other lists of HeelpBook. A permalink is what another user or weblogger will use to link to the article (or section), or how you might send a link to your story in an e-mail message. The URL to each post will be permanent, and never change — hence permalink.