HEELPBOOK - Terminal Server - How do I disable Terminal Services client logons using a command line? #################### You can use the change logon command to display the status of current logons or to disable and enable logons from Terminal Services clients. When you disable logons, current users are NOT affected, but new client sessions will NOT connect to the server. NOTE: You must have administrative privileges to use the change logon command. When you open a CMD prompt on the terminal server and type change logon /?, you receive: Enable or disable session logins. CHANGE LOGON {/QUERY | /ENABLE | /DISABLE} /QUERY Query current session login mode. /ENABLE Enable user login from sessions. /DISABLE Disable user login from sessions. NOTE: Logons from the console session are not affected. NOTE: If you restart the server, logons are enabled. NOTE: If you disable logons from a client session and then log off, you must log on to the console to enable further logons. NOTE: When you disable logons, you receive: Session logins are currently DISABLED. When you enable logons, you receive: Session logins are currently ENABLED. NOTE: When logons are disabled, a client attempting to connect will receive: Remote logins are currently disabled. ############ ARTICLE INFO ############# Article Month: March Article Date: 22/03/2012 Permalink: http://heelpbook.altervista.org/2012/terminal-server-how-do-i-disable-terminal-services-client-logons-using-a-command-line/ Source: http://www.windowsitpro.com/article/terminal-server-and-services/jsi-tip-5269-how-do-i-disable-terminal-services-client-logons-using-a-terminal-server-command-line- Language: English View more articles on: http://www.heelpbook.net/ Follow us on Facebook: http://it-it.facebook.com/pages/HeelpBook/100790870008832 Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/HeelpBook Follow us on RSS Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Heelpbook