Google Chrome – Add a Send via Mail link button to the Bookmarks

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Most browsers provide you with a way to easily email a link to the page you are currently viewing. When clicked, your default email application will produce a new message with the link in the body and the page title in the Subject line and the To field left blank for you to address.

Google Chrome - Add a Send via Mail link button to the Bookmarks

Google Chrome - Add a Send via Mail link button to the Bookmarks

This functionality is missing from Chrome, but can easily added by creating a button on the Bookmarks bar.

1. Open Chrome.

2. Right-click the Bookmarks bar and select Add Page.

3. In the Name textbox, input the word Send Link.

4. In the URL textbox, input the following:


5. Make sure that the Bookmarks bar folder is selected and click OK.


Or just drag this link to your Bookmarks bar: Send Link.

Obviously, this code will works on any browser that supports Javascript.

The code javascript:location.href is used to get the URL of the page displayed, while javascript:document.title is used to get only the "title" property of the HTML page.

With this code the subject of the e-mail will be the "title" of the HTML page while the body will be the location.href or, simply, the page link that we want to share with our mate/friend.