Excel – VBA – Show or Hide a row with a Macro Subroutine

SCENARIO: Hi, i'm wondering if there is a function in VBA Excel to hide row or unhide rows.


Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True

...will hide the rows and...

Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = False

...will display them..

A simple routine to use them could be...

Example to hide a range of rows previously shown:

Sub Hide()
RowShow (4, 4, True)
End Sub

Example to show a range of rows previously hidden:

Sub Show()
RowShow (4, 4, False)
End Sub

And this is the function to declare to use the above examples:

Function RowShow(myRow1 As Double, myRow2 As Double, bStatus As Boolean)
If bStatus = True Then bStatus = False Else bStatus = True
Rows(myRow1 & ":" & myRow2).Select
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = bStatus
End Function

Where myRow1 and myRow2 are the row numbers, so if you want to hide a single row (for example: 4) you enter the same number twice (4,4), or you enter the start and end point for a number of rows (for example: 5 to 10)


LINK (Wrox.com)